Adaptive Edge Coaching – Values and Approach

This post lays out the core values of Adaptive Edge Coaching, and gives you an idea of what you can expect as a client. For information on my programs, check out my Themes and Exercises as well as my Testimonials, and feel free to email me at

Cognitive Liberty, Safety, and Trust

The primary goal of Adaptive Edge Coaching is to promote your liberty to think, feel, and act in the manner you that you choose, with no outside influence. This is your right to cognitive liberty.  If you do not feel comfortable saying something, you will not feel comfortable thinking and feeling it, and this goes against your right to understanding yourself.  This means that everything you want to think, feel, and discuss is on the table with me.  I will never share anything we discuss with anyone without your consent.  

No Medical Language

We will never use medical language like symptoms, disorders, dysfunction, irregular, or abnormal to describe your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.  We will instead shift to the language of emotion and identity and focus on goals and change.  I have found that diagnoses have both positive and negative effects on people.  If you feel that your previous diagnoses and treatments have helped you understand yourself, I will always encourage you to bring these insights into our work.  If you feel that they have not, please bring this up as well. 

Co-constructive Experience

This process will be co-constructive, meaning that we will each share in the meaning-making process together.  I welcome opposition, as it leads to new discoveries for both parties.  Due to the nature of language, there is bound to be miscommunications at times.  I will do my best to recognize and correct any miscommunications on my end and always appreciate you doing the same. Because using some common language is important, I do have some requirements for using developmental language that I will go over on our first call.

Emotional Expression vs. Suppression

Some approaches encourage emotional expression while others encourage coping mechanisms that suppress emotions if they are unhelpful or too painful.  We will discuss the positives and negatives of both, and by understanding emotion and identity, you can choose to express or suppress your emotions as you see fit to meet your goals.  It will be your choice and no one else’s.

Biology and Physiology

Emotions are a biological adaptation and they beautifully connect our mind to our bodies. I am well-versed in the neuroscientific and biological research on the relationship between environmental affects, emotions, body chemistry, and moods.  There are many contributing factors to our complex social world.  Soemtimes clients can be confused by the affect that strong emotions have on their body, and the relationship between emotions and the mind. Please feel free to bring these topics to the table any time.         

You can take a look at my general Themes and Exercises, as well as Client Testimonials. Each of my specialty domains, Life Changes, Healing, Soft Skills, and Performance focuses on helping a person overcome their current habits to change certain aspects of themselves, their relationships, their environment, or all of the above. Email me at greg@adaptiveedgecoaching with any questions or to set up a free initial consultation to learn more.

Greg Murray

Founder, Adaptive Edge Coaching