Adaptive Edge

Our Mission

Empower individuals and teams in meeting life’s complex demands at home, work, and in their communities.

Our Vision

Design adaptive change programs that transform the latest research in psychology and neuroscience into valuable development experiences. Deliver constructive growth through seminars, workshops, 1:1 coaching, and e-learning.

Greg Murray Adaptive Edge Coaching


Adaptive Edge Coaching is a human development start-up focused on helping people thrive in their personal and professional lives. Developed at Harvard, the Adaptive Edge Framework empowers individuals and teams to fine-tune interpersonal skills, hone emotional intelligence, and learn to manage adaptive changes with ease. We transform the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, and learning into tangible, life-changing development experiences through webinars, workshops, and 1:1 coaching.

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Our Core Values


Use latest scientific methods in learning, psychology, and neuroscience to aid others in making adaptive change.

Development, not discipline

Work for positive development only, never create a program rooted in fear, discipline, or termination of employees.

Clear Communication

Always be as clear and purposeful as possible in communication with clients and partners. When miscommunications happen, clear them up as soon as possible and acknowledge my role in the harm or confusion.

Always Customize​

Create personalized, learner-centered programs and experiences adapted to needs and abilities of the participant.

As long as it takes

Maintain engagements as long as necessary and only complete programs when the client feels satisfied

Educate to empower

Teach people the methods so they are empowered to meet their future challenges.

Pursue Diversity

Diversity of thought, culture, race, and gender are paramount to success, individually and in organizations. Always incorporate diversity in programming.

Empathy and emotion

All change processes are fundamentally emotional. Engagements should be rooted in empathy in order to elicit emotion in a healthy and productive way.